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The 2024-2025 reenrollment process is now open.

Your contract for the 2024-2025 school year, along with other necessary information, is included in the online reenrollment packet found in the FACTS Family Portal. The packet, including the signed contract and deposit, must be submitted by March 15, 2024.  After March 15, 2024, Saint Philomena School of the Sacred Heart cannot guarantee a space for your child(ren) for the 2024-2025 school year.

To complete our online reenrollment form process, you will access your FACTS Family Portal through your existing login.

 click here to access the online reenrollment form

  • When logging into FACTS, the District Code is SPS-RI.
  • Type in your username and password.  If you have forgotten your username or password, please click on the link provided.
  • After logging in, click on Apply/Enroll in the left menu.
  • Click on the Enrollment/Reenrollment link.

Our Online Enrollment system will open with a link to the enrollment packet for your child(ren). Please note that your reenrollment is not complete until you have successfully submitted your reenrollment packet, including your signed digital contract and $500 deposit (per student). You will know if you have successfully completed the entire packet when you receive an immediate automated email.

If you have any questions about the process, please contact Mrs. Giroux, Director of Admissions and Enrollment, at; 401-683-0268.