Mrs. Rhonda Landers
Chair of the Board & Chair of the Finance Committee
Mr. Gene McCabe
Vice Chair of the Board & Chair of the Investment Committee
Mr. Brian Cordeiro
Head of School & Principal
Mrs. Dawn Pagano
Assistant Head of School & Vice Principal
Sr. Barbara Rogers, RSCJ
Sr. Anne Dyer, RSCJ
Sr. Anne Jablonski, RSCJ
Sr. Ann Marie Walsh, FCJ
Mrs. Paige Goulart
Secretary of the Board & Chair of the Committee on Trustees
Ms. Jennifer Abbate
Chair of the Mission Effectiveness Committee
Mr. John Perreira
Chair of the Buildings and Grounds Committee
Sgt. Thomas Pariseault
Chair of the Health & Safety Committee
Capt. Michael O'Hara
Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee
Mr. Jeffrey Moniz
Chair of the Institutional Advancement Committee
Mr. Paul Jestings
Ms. Nicki Noel
Donna Marie Goodrich
Sr. Suzanne Cooke, RSCJ
Provincial, United States-Canada Province of the Society of the Sacred Heart
Canonical Sponsor of the School
Mr. John Bohan
Trustee Emertius
Deacon Timothy Flanigan, MD
Board Chaplain