The middle school years are a particularly important time for developing personal responsibility, awareness and expression of personal gifts and talents, and fostering habits to excel as a learner and leader. Students are challenged to think critically, write and reason analytically, and speak with confidence and clarity. Students gradually accept more responsibility for decision-making and have opportunities to grow academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually in many different programs and experiences. Middle school students have the opportunity to take electives, engage in many co-curricular experiences and prepare for high school in a three year formative academic program. Unique to our middle school is the opportunity for students to enroll in one of three or four different paced Math classes that support on and above level learners and prepare some students to take advanced algebra or geometry in their 8th grade year.
Our unique setting provides a safe and supportive community for middle school learners to be challenged to lead and learn. Through the school’s balanced technology policy, students are given the tools to become engaged in 21st century learning experiences and expectations, while not losing sight of the importance of soft skills such as eye contact, public speaking and positive relationship building. The Saint Philomena School middle school curriculum emphasizes the importance of planning for long-term assignments and projects, developing academic stamina, and challenging learners to be courageous and confident.